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How to Give a Back Massage

Nov 11

How to Give a Back Massage

Massages to the lower back increase blood circulation to your skin and muscles. It reduces stiffness as well as pain. It can help prevent skin injury and pressure sores.


How can I give my back a massage?

Massage Mesa, AZ possible with oil, cream, lotion, cocoa butter, or oil.


  • You can apply a little warm oil to your hands. Use your fingertips to apply the lotion evenly to your skin.

  • Massage recipients will be able to relax if you move their hands slowly.

  • Begin massaging your lower back. You can raise your hands to each side of the spine and reach your shoulders.

  • You can make a circular motion by moving your hands up. Continue to press with your thumbs while you make the circles.

  • Move your upper arms towards the side by crossing your shoulders. Apply less pressure as you move lower.

  • Ask the person if they feel that you are applying too much pressure to your massage. Ask the person if he feels any pain. Do not massage areas that are in pain.

  • Use more lotion if necessary.


What other information can I get about a massage for my back?


  • Before you begin the massaging, be sure to inspect the skin for redness.

  • It is essential to use massage correctly. This will protect the back, shoulders, and neck muscles.

  • If you feel numbness in your legs or arms or tingling, stop massaging them.

  • Stop using lotions if you develop a rash or itching.


Lower back pain flareups can cause severe pain and may require several months or longer to resolve. Many people depend on traditional treatments such as antiinflammatory pain medication, physical exercise, and physiotherapy. But, back pain massage therapy is a great option for relaxation and relief.


Massage has grown to be a popular alternative treatment to back pain in the past several decades. Massage can provide significant healing and pain relief. By targeting the correct muscles, you can reduce tension, soreness, and pain. Low back pain can easily be managed with a back massage. As part of their medical treatment, healthcare providers recommend that patients suffering from back problems consider massage therapy.


Massage therapy also has many health benefits.


  • You can stop the effects of prolonged sitting. It is most common in the neck or shoulders. Desk workers who sit for extended periods of time are more likely to develop advanced forms. These stressors can cause weakness in the lower back and weaker gluteal muscles. Regular massage therapy is a great way to prevent the imbalances created by prolonged sitting.

  • Regular massage can help to reduce muscle pain. It is essential that blood flow be maintained in the affected area to ensure adequate nutrients and oxygen.

  • Mental Health Improvement: A professional, safe, and friendly human touch can help you relax and have a positive impact on your mental health. According to reports, patients with breast cancer who receive massage therapy three times per week feel less depressed and angry. Patients who feel anxious or depressed report feeling more relaxed and happy and less stressed.

  • Improve your Sleep - Massages can help you get a good night's sleep and also aid those who cannot rest well. People who are going through chemotherapy or radiation treatment will feel more relaxed and rested every night.

  • Massage can boost immunity. This is a great method to boost immunity.


Keep these important benefits in mind when you are considering back massages.


Massage Mesa

Mesa Az

(480) 992 5050